Cp Mission 1 cheat PSA
This Mission us about Aunt Arctic's puffles have gone missing and the PSA will have to find Clues to finjd the missing puffles, there were also some problems that penguins have caused on themselves but it was resolved.
Here is the Guide to help you through the mission.1. Talk to Aunt Arctic.
2. Go to the Ice Rink and pick up the pictures.
3. Go back to Aunt Arctic’s igloo and give the pictures to her.
4. Leave Aunt Arctic’s place, and go to the Pet Shop.
5. Go to your left and pick up the piece of paper on top of the puffle house.
6. Decode the letter with the codes at the bottom right of your screen.
7. This will tell you how many socks G (Gary) has.
8. Go to the Sport Shop and talk to G.
9. Now he will ask how many socks he has.
10. Type in the number that you got in the letter that you decoded to.
11. He will show you some Spy Gadgets after. Take the Life Preserver Shooter.
12. Now go to the Ice Berg, you will see about 7 penguins on an sparated Ice Berg.
13. Shoot tubes at them with your Life Preserver Shooter.
14. Once you’ve saved them all on the Ice Berg, head to the mountain.
15. When you’re at the mountain, fix the penguin's telescope with the wrench attached to your spy phone.
16. Now look through it. You will see one puffle flying around the mountain and one taking a photograph with a camera.
17. Now head back to the Sport Shop where G will be waiting
18.Put the Life Preserver Shooter back and grab the rope.
18. Now head to the tallest mountain on your map. Hook the rope onto the mountain.
19. When you’re up there you will find the puffles.
20. Talk to Aunt Arctic now. Claim your medal and letter
If you want to see the video of this then go to this link below:
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