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Sunday, 17 April 2011

Club Penguin Mission 10

1. Talk to G.
2. All of the computers will shut off and show Herbert.
3. He will be talking about a plan involving puffles when Rookie tells him about the golden puffle.
4. Talk to the Director. Turns out it was all a plan and that the Golden Puffle isn’t real, so Rookie did the right thing.
5. Now, you will be leader of a mission. Go to the beach and check on the Jet Pack Guy.
6. He will tell you his Jet Pack broke down. Go to the Lighthouse and grab a barrel of Cream Soda and give it to him.
7. Play the little game he tells you to do until you have 4 in each container.
8. Go to the Gift Shop, and check on Rookie.
9. He talks about a Solar Power Until that G owned.
10. Go to the HQ, and grab it out of the box.
11. Go back to Rookie and install it onto the Magnet. Read the instructions on how to program it.
12. After that, grab the Table, Box, and Clothes from the manager.
13. Install the Table, Box, and Clothes outside the Gift Shop for a SALE.
14. Go to the Dock and talk to the Penguin. He will give you a piece of Rope, put it into your inventory.
15. Go to the Dance Club and attach the rope to the cage. It’ll be broken.
16. Use the wrench in your Spy Phone to unscrew the machine, and then put it back together the right way so they’re all moving.
17. Go to the HQ, and you will get a call from the Jet Pack Guy. He will say Herbert’s at the dock.
18. Turns out Clutzy’s just faking you out. Rookie will then call you telling you Herbert’s at the Dance Club.
19. Herbert will have the fake Golden Puffle. Then you must set the trap. He will lift it up.
20. Now you will get a call from G. All agents move in.
21. Now Herbert will be stuck to the magnet. Take the Jet Pack from the Jet Pack Guy, and put it into your inventory.
22. Now move all the lights in the Dance Club towards the Solar Panel so the cage will trap Herbert again.
23. Now G will come and make plans. Herbert will ask for one last phone call, and Rookie gives him the phone. Than he escapes again.
24. G find seeds that appear when Herbert disappears. He picks them up and that’s the end of the mission.
25. Congratulations! Collect your medal, and your employee of the month gift!

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